Online File Viewer And Remote Access


After try some software pieces I realize that mine is much simpler and has a better use feeling than the others.

To check it out, just try it.


Just to show you the icon image.

Opening the application.

Then it shows your douments, and folders on a simple to understand layout.

And directly opens any compatible document, no application switch. Is so conftable than others on this.

Turn and switch to landscape.

Click on the Safaris back buton and get back to Ofvara interfase.

Choose another link and open any document.

On the upper sight it's a ó button.

Ofvara configuration, get it from the ó button on the upper right.

You can set up users to give them access from any PC or MAC to the URL bellow. Check yours.

Finally, if you exit witout closing you get the "on" badge on the Ofvara's icon.


You can install OFVARA adding the following source to Installer: http://www.thinkchile.com/iPhone

By Alexito